
Archive for April, 2020

There have been a lot of fairly strident posts on social media recently about the need for personal freedom, not being told what to do, being restricted etc. This was probably to be expected that these issues would surface as the situation continues. (see the end of the blog).

I am writing this at the end of week three in the UK lockdown.

We have government who is being vague, lying and deceitful. We have those working for the government directly as in spin-doctors, most of the UK media and interestingly, by agitated posts on social media, who are who are churning up fears, insecurities and paranoia.

‘Rules are for people who cannot trust themselves’ (HH Namkhai Norbu)
Rules are for people who cannot trust themselves to do ‘the right thing’.
Rules are for people who cannot be trusted to do ‘the right thing’.

‘Bondage is all in the mind.’ (Swami Muktananda)
Therefore freedom is all in the mind.

1. People believe they are being stripped of their rights and being controlled.
At the moment, yes, inasmuch as there are restrictions on travel and meeting in groups.
The flip side of this, given that we have a virulent contagion in the population, would be if we each took responsibility for ourselves and had compassion for the wellbeing of others, we would not be doing that anyway.

So maybe we aren’t being stripped of our rights, we are being asked to be fully responsible for our actions.

The appearance of being ‘controlled’ is because there are those in society who have to be given rules to behave responsibly. It is apparent, at the moment, that even with rules, that is not happening.

2. Liberty (Are the present restrictions setting a precedent for loss of liberty?)

This raises lots of questions? What do people think of as freedom?

For example….Is it being able to do what you want, when you want?
That sounds fine ……as long as self-responsibility comes with it.

In the present restrictions, consider the desire…. ‘I want to go and see my friend who lives 150 miles away!
…..with the knowledge that you might be taking the virus with you, or picking it up along the way.
…..with the knowledge that your friend’s health and those they are close to may therefore depend in you.
….. with the knowledge that if you have a car accident along the way, that you might get taken to A&E, using up valuable NHS time and resources.
….. with the knowledge that even though you might have had CV19, people have been shown to get re-infected.
….that you might bring the virus or another strain of the virus back with you…….. and then infect others.
So, one could argue that if you are prepared to take responsibility for all that and other unseen consequences, then why should you not go? Most people, thinking this through thoroughly, might opt for a WhatsApp call or a SKYPE session as safer and cheaper.

3. Freedom. (Are the present restrictions setting a precedent for loss of freedom?)

Those who think they have freedom tend to be those who have choices……..
-choice in where the live and being able to move somewhere else
– choice in where they sleep
– choice in what or when they eat
– choice to spend money or not
– choice in feeling safe and secure
-choice to do something or not

If you feel you don’t have freedom, you need to realise that you still have choices… and that you may have made choices in the past that might have restricted the freedoms you now value so much.

A vast percentage of the population of the planet have few, if any, choices. They therefore could be construed as having no freedom.

So when people shout …… “they are taking our freedoms away”.……what freedoms are those, exactly? Are they freedoms or are they options, choices?

So if someone is laying down the rules and asking you to follow………determine why and make sure that you are not kicking against what a responsible person should be doing anyway………………… make sure you are not kicking against something that is actually a privilege or choice afforded to a few.

4. Manipulation

If someone is laying down the rules to manipulate……then think it through.

If manipulation is involved, it means ‘a game is afoot’…. the infamous Drama Triangle/Karpman Triangle has been activated. (Psychological pattern interweaving, blame, victimhood and rescuing)

So, if you buy into the ‘we are the victims’, ‘they are the villains’……. then you have fallen for the ruse…..you are playing the game, you have been fooled into joining it.

The only way is ‘not to play’.

This doesn’t mean you don’t agree/disagree, but it means you don’t get involved.

By getting involved you automatically give your power away.

The more you play, the more power you give to the oppressor/manipulator/villain. It is a deadly game, but when you play it is endless, it is self-perpetuating.

You avoid playing by observing, not getting stoked up or angry, but by seeing it for what it is.


The Astrology:

This was always going to be an interesting time…..astrologically lots of planetary cycles have been creating patterns, coinciding with a Pluto/ Saturn conjunction, aided by Jupiter – all in Capricorn. From Pluto’s ingress into Capricorn the scene was being set.

Pluto cycle is 247 years with a 42-year sub-pattern – 247 year ago was the USA war of Independence
Neptune cycle is 164-5 years with a 42-year sub-pattern – 165 years ago was the Crimean War
Uranus cycle is 84 years with a 42-year sub-pattern – 84 years ago saw the build up to WW2, far right parties and activities dominant
Chiron cycle is 49-50years – 50 years ago saw the UK join the EU, 100 years ago saw the Spanish Flu epidemic
Saturn cycle is 28 years – Balkan wars
Jupiter cycle is 11-12 years – 12 years ago saw the banking crisis 108 years ago saw the start of WW1

Saturn brings restrictions, limitations but deep teachings about freedom.
Pluto simply upends anything that does not have a basis in truth.
In Capricorn – the negative is manipulation, coercion, over-regulation – the positive is understanding of responsibility, duty, compassion.

As Saturn slowly moves into Aquarius, we need to learn the lessons of Capricorn:

In the end we can only change that which is in our power to change.
We cannot ‘fix’ that which is not ours to fix.
Care for ourselves, each other, our families and expand that into the area where we live, if possible.
Taking responsibility for our own actions…is an act of love., not just for ourselves, but for others too.

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