
Archive for December, 2013

We are now approaching the winter solstice 2013. This is one of two times each year when the astronomical position of the Sun, seen from the Earth, seems to ‘stand still’ for about 3 days.


The solstice is only ten days before the New Year and will certainly give us a chance to take a breath from the rapid changes in 2013 before we hit 2014.

Listening to various economists over the last few weeks the bright, growing outlook that we are being told we have, it looks like a bit of Christmas wrapping paper around an empty box of chocolates.

Many western countries and the EU have their ‘birthdate’ set at the 1st January . This gives many important institutions with a natal Sun position of 10 degrees Capricorn. We find ourselves now with the transit or actual position of Pluto also at 10 degrees Capricorn. Pluto tends to make 3 ‘passes’ when it creates a transit with another planet or placement. This first pass of Pluto was in the last few weeks of January and the first 3 weeks of February in 2013. The second pass was during June and the first two weeks of July 2013, so we are now in the third pass. This is ‘last chance saloon’ for the fundamental changes that governments and financial institutions know they should make to sort out the banking mess that was created at the same time that Pluto entered Capricorn in 2008. Will they? With just under three weeks to go to the solstice, when Pluto also begins to move away from its 10 degree Capricorn placement for the last time, it all looks very doubtful to both the short and long-term.

It is very much the ‘same old, same old’.

The astrological chart for the Winter Solstice 2013 creates food for thought as we have an interesting pattern. There is a Grand Cross in the chart –linking the four signs, Cancer, Capricorn, Libra and Aries. The Cancer/Capricorn arm links the planet Jupiter with Pluto. This suggests the need for domestic security and growth (Jupiter) does not balance with the changes (Pluto) that are inevitable at some point in the future. (The Pluto changes have not been actioned at the appropriate times and will remain as an inevitable transformation at some point in the future). The Aries/Libra arm links Uranus with Mars. This creates an unpredictable (Uranus in Aries) and belligerent (Mars In Libra) combination where selfishness rules. The positive thing about this Grand Cross combination is that it does help to create action, but whether that action is considered is another matter.


So have a rest over the solstice and then get out your earplugs to block the bullshit from politicians; keep some cash stashed in case the banks go under; think about growing your own food (even ‘sprouting’ seeds if you don’t have a garden); don’t believe the rubbish printed in the press or listen to the manipulation by other media.

Look after those you love!

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